Stasia Burrington is an artist/illustrator creating personal, intimate, edgy and cute artwork on prints, cards, stickers, comic books, and more. She created the lavish and lovely Empty Cup Oracle and Sasuraibito Tarot.

Print Ritual works with local artists, designers, illustrators, & photographers to create unique apparel, patches, & enamel pins. Instagram: @print_ritual

Joyce Hwang is an illustrator and graphic designer making a wide range of prints, stickers, clothing and charms featuring her original designs and her tributes to legendary characters. Instagram @juicette

Omakase Images features original images of modern saints on prints, posters, totebags, and ever popular votive candles.

KIRISKA is a Seattle-based illustrator and eldritch horror making prints and original artwork.

Rhodora Jacob is an illustrator and fine artist combining traditional images with modern influences in unusual paintings, prints, stickers and comics. Instagram @rhododoodle

Zachary Diaz is a self-taught illustrator and designer, offering commissioned artwork and designs in addition to his own stickers, patches, prints and pins. Instagram @goodbyezach

Joseph Brooks is a Pacific Northwest fine artist and illustrator working in paint, pen, clay, papier mache and more. He resides in Tacoma.

Mike Monroe is a technical artist and illustrator producing a lot of monsters, demons & teeth in forms of stickers, pins, and prints. Instagram @skullthug.

Lolo and Behold is an artist and illustrator living in the Seattle area. She’s a big horror buff, and loves creating creepy work that’s often based off story and film. Her favorite mediums include her dark sense of humor, pen and ink, and colored pencils. Instagram: @loloybehold

Braden Duncan (a.k.a. Clockwork Art) is a full-time, self-taught watercolour artist & curator based in Seattle, WA. She loves painting animals, and her current bodies of work feature watercolour & ink critters augmented with mechanical, fantastical, macabre & pop culture accoutrement. She plans to take over the world with the strange & the adorable.

Mari Ichimasu, or Little Oze, is Seattle based Japanese artist who works in stop-motion animation, painting, and drawing. Her 'traveling cats' series of illustrations are available as fine art prints and greeting cards. Currently Mari is working on a stop-motion animated film Sanpomichi that is inspired by her family in Tokyo.

Dani Dodge’s style and subject matter can range from suggestive feminist themes, to detailed imaginative works. Available for commercial and editorial illustration, and for outdoor and residential murals.

A grass rooted, self-taught water-colorist with her one woman operation, while not at her day job. You're helping her get closer to a goal of becoming a full-time, self supported creator. Instagram: @oddcultdesigns

Michelle Mars is an artist and designer with a love for geometry and type. Her mini-art is laser cut from multiple layers of cardstock and features bright colors and minimalistic shapes.

Destini Cole is a Seattle based artist using art as a tool to show the world how her mind works and try to connect to other people in a different fashion that makes sense to her.

Erin Fox is a colored pencil artist merging scientific illustration with the psychedelic world. She makes original postcards, prints, and stickers!

Erika Rier is a self-taught artist working mostly in mixed media and interdisciplinary art forms in a style she calls folk surrealism. After many years of oil painting and designing clothing, she shifted her focus to works on paper, ceramics, and handmade textiles.

Looking for small stickers of rats?? ChickenChowMeinArt has got them right here. Also cats and kitties dressed up for the spooky season. Keep in mind that it's ALWAYS spooky season.

Irene Akio's prints, sticker and original art are unique designs, printed in Seattle, WA by a woman-owned independent small business. Irene makes an effort to be kind to the earth as much as possible, including using eco-friendly and post-consumer paper.