I'm Selling at the PRFM! Winter 2022!

On December 15-18 2022 the PRFM blasts open the doors at THIRD and UNION, SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE of DOWNTOWN SEATTLE,  in the space formerly known as Bartell Drugs.  It’s an incredible space for a flea market with a huge floor, lofty ceilings, hidden corridors, and an overwhelming ambience of “anything can happen!” 

Vendor spaces are around 6 x 8, though they vary somewhat. Zine alley spaces are big enough for a card table, about 5 x 5. Nothing too big, nothing tiny. Spaces cost $200 for all four days, $150 for 2 consecutive days, $100 for a single weekend day and $75 for a single weekend day.  We will also have 10 smaller zine alley spaces available at a sliding scale, approximately $35 per day. And talk to us about work trade if that’s something that interests you. 

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